Fit2Lead Jr.
What Can I Be?
Teach your kids to be whatever they want to be
The opportunities for our children are endless but we don’t always have the resources we need to show them how to achieve their hearts desires. Fit2Lead Jr. aims to bridge that gap by providing resources and tools to help parents and teachers inspire the next generation of leaders.

Brown Girl, Brown Boy, What could you be?

A few lucky people understood their careers early on. Many of us, however, fell into a career by accident. It may have made us a living, but did it fulfill us or give us the life we desired. The jobs we stumbled on may have been due to the lack of understanding of all the opportunities that existed or access to those careers. Furthermore, we may have heard about the professions but did not know much about it to make a better choice.
Brown Girl, Brown Boy Coloring and Activity book is the perfect companion to Brown Girl, Brown Boy What Could You Be. It is packed with an array of interactive content including cool pictures for coloring and fun activities promoting that will engage and inspire young minds.

Dare to Dream
How old were you the first time someone asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Were you aware of the many options you had back then? For many of us, the answer is a resounding “no”. Growing up, the only career choices I knew existed, were the ones I saw my relatives in or the ones my teachers told us about on career day. Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful for the options that were laid out before me as a child, but as a young black girl those options were limited. There just weren’t any black judges, scientists, or pilots in my family or community circle that I could model after.
I want to change that for my children and your children. “Brown Girl, Brown Boy, what could you be?” is a labor of love with a goal of inspiring our future leaders to open their minds to the vast opportunities and the impact that they can have on the world.
The book explores the many different career options there are, especially those that a minimally occupied by diverse individuals; and the companion activity book allows kids to interact with what they’ve read in the book, set goals for themselves, and create a dream board for their future.
Let’s arm our young kings and queens with knowledge and wisdom of the many ways that they can change the world and inspire them to dream bigger than we ever could have imagined.
Both the “Brown Girl, Brown Boy, what could you be?” book and coloring and activity book can be found on Amazon and on Barnes and Noble online.